Finally Samsung has announced the next Galaxy “S3”, there were lots of rumors news before its announcement, a few days ago a Sam Mobiles posted a leaked image of Galaxy S3 and the device also caught in a video in Vietnam, both image and video showed similar specs of the device such as 8MP camera (not rumored 12MP ).
Recently pre-ordering of Samsung Galaxy S3 started at Germany Amazon online store that also posted similar specs, you’re able to pre-order the smartphone for €599, if you covert it into US dollar, it would be $800, but Amazon didn’t posted any image of the device.
The Samsung Galaxy S3 gave everything that we expected from this awesome smartphone, it has same same button layout that we want from Samsung’s flagship line of smartphones, such as 4.8-inch Super AMOLED display and 720p resolution, and awesome large 2,100mAh battery. Its size is so too large.
The 8MP rear-facing camera and 1.9 megapixel front-facing are enough to keep photographers happy and you too. In announcement of smartphone, there were no CPU specs, however Samsung announced beforehand CPU to power the device would be the Exynos 4 Quad. The great feature is ‘S Voice’ that seems better than iPhone 4S Siri voice assistant.
The device also has so many DLNA features and software-based features too that help to tailor commands to you. It seems it’ll also be better than the next iPhone, according to rumors, the Apple iPhone 5 will release at least after six months, we just have option of wait.
We also posted the comparison of HTC One X (recently released in World Mobile Conference), Nokia Lumia 900, Apple iPhone 4S and the Samsung Galaxy S3, nowadays these all are well-known samrtphones, the comparison also proves that the Samsung Galaxy S3 is perfect smartphone of this age.
I personally love to use Samsung’s smartphone such as Galaxy S2, and now I can also use Galaxy S3 that gave everything to me that I expected from it, I love Galaxy S3. You can show your thoughts about this fantastic smartphone Samsung Galaxy S3 in below comments.